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  • #61
    Additionally, my concern with the way they interpreted that call is when someone is running in that fashion putting your arm out for balance is a completely natural thing to do. It wasn't trying to fake a fair catch, no one thought it was, anything. He's moving at an angle looking up in the air. That arm was entirely about balance.

    I'm a big soccer guy and watch a ton of MLS and European games. England is going through MAJOR issues and outrage over VAR right now. It's causing so many issues because officials are scared to death to be overruled by VAR, while also going "Well VAR can correct me". They are using var to get down to literal millimeters to make a call of offside, in or out, using 2 frames from a slide tackle that had seconds of build-up and follow-through to decide on a card or not. The team I follow played Monday afternoon and the first half, which should take 48 minutes with stoppage time on average, took 62 minutes to complete because of all the VAR reviews and discussions. They didn't get to halftime until the time the second half would normally be kicking off. A similar thing happened in the second half. In total a game that is 90 minutes - usually 98-100 with stoppage - went to nearly 120. It's infesting any sport that has it. I don't like slowing it down to frame by frame to make call. Games aren't played at super slow motion zoomed in 10-15 times optical. It's played in real time. If the review can't be dictated at real-time playback speed move on.

    I think the idea that the instant a returner yells "fire" or "peter" the ball isn't returnable. Why? The returner can still be wanting to return it but he's telling his guys to scatter so they don't get in the way of the ball.

    I didn't know that rule was a thing, and I hate that it exists.


    • #62
      Originally posted by uni1988 View Post
      In 1990... Colorado was given a 5th down by the officials. The buffalos scored a touchdown against Missouri as time ran out. That was the biggest mistake in football history. What happened to Iowa was the correct call and a joy to watch.
      Yeah. But to hear Iowa fans you'd think it was worse than 9/11.
      "And immediately, (P'Allen Stinnett's) Facebook status was spouting vulgarities towards the university."

