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Cooperative view of PSC and NIL

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  • Cooperative view of PSC and NIL

    On another thread, I argued that PSC should be cooperative with the NIL cons.

    I have been a PSC donor for quite a few years. I've increased a couple times over the years.
    To my thinking, it is a no-brainer that the PSC would contact me and encourage me to connect with the NIL.

    I posted this on another thread and found disagreement. That surprised me. More, I was told that I needed to reconnect with reality.

    Here's an analogy: A restaurant. You've got a good chef, a good line of cooks, friendly & efficient staff, nice looking facility.
    But it's getting harder to get good ingredients. And so the question for the owner is: Should we spend more on food?
    Of course, the chef wants good ingredients. But the owner knows that he only has so much money. If he spends more in ingredients, will he have to cut back on staff, etc.?

    The answer, in my opinion, is this: It is a mistake to think of NIL and PSC as pitted against each other. If everything else is good and you don't recruit and keep good players, the product will suffer and then, in time, you'll lose PSC donors and season ticket holders.

  • #2
    They have to work together. It's the only way forward in 2024.

    They need to do what several other schools have done and count donations to the collective just like PSC donations when it comes to benefits.

    The other thing that needs to happen is somebody needs to help Nick with the Collective. That needs to be expanded beyond basketball to include all sports (other than wrestling which has it's own weird rules). The worst thing we can do is have several collectives for different sports fighting amongst each other for dollars.

    The AD needs to be in charge of major gifts and corporate gifts to get facilities done and then use other revenue to keep the lights on. The Collective needs to get us talent and that should be the primary entity to which general average Joe donations are going.

