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Missouri State

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  • Missouri State

    It's homecoming today against MO State. Boards been quiet. Beginning of the year I would've said this is a win. Now ???

  • #2
    Not watching. Curious what Homecoming attendance will be today?


    • #3
      Originally posted by panther1 View Post
      Not watching. Curious what Homecoming attendance will be today?
      Not watching it either. Wedding to go to but I'll check the score. Curious as to the crowd size


      • #4
        If anyone else is watching, the sound is messed up on my stream, I'm getting inhouse noise, but not broadcast.


        • #5
          Nevermind. Just started working.


          • #6
            Offense looks OK

            D has had a couple stops but then gets gashed for a 53 yard TD run...untouched.
            Winning is more fun than losing.


            • #7
              Is there a reason why our secondary never turns to look for the ball?


              • #8
                UNI D is like a funnel to the end zone.

                24 years and this is what MF can put on the field for a D?
                Winning is more fun than losing.


                • #9
                  501 yards, 6 consecutive TDs by MSU on offense...in 3 QTRS!

                  Rock bottom for this defensive unit and defense-minded coach.
                  Give us a yell, HO! The purple and the gold
                  Victory for U-N-I!

                  Find out what the other team wants to do, then take it away from them.
                  - George Halas


                  • #10
                    Most pathetic defense I’ve ever seen at UNI


                    • #11
                      The UNI defensive linemen are as small as undersized linebackers. They have no chance. Zero.

                      looks like men against boys.

                      looks like UNI found their QB. Throws darts and can run a little. Not sure it will matter. Teams needs a massive roster turnover to be even competitive.
                      Last edited by run&blade; 10-26-2024, 08:15 PM.


                      • #12
                        This isn’t a one off season. We have been on a gradual decline for a long time. 2 and 10 is in play as much as we hate it. The longer we don’t make changes….we continue to multiply the time it will take to become competitive again. I wish I had an answer but one thing is for sure….doing nothing compounds the problems.


                        • #13
                          Still can finish 6-6. Highly unlikely, though.

                          More likely 3-9, picking up one of the last two games.


                          • #14
                            Play like today and the last 3 are all gettable.

                            Attendance was good again. 10,828. Also the most people out tailgating in years. The intro was timed perfectly and GameDay stuff was all really smooth.

                            There's big time progress on the admin side.



                            • #15
                              They were bigger than we are.
                              And fast.
                              Very fast.

