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202(3)4 National Championship

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  • 202(3)4 National Championship

    As I was typing out the topic I realized I don't really know if it's the 23 or 24 national championship.

    Anyway, I came here to say that I think FCS should mandate nameplates on the backs of jerseys. Good for Montana for spending the extra $2000 (or however much it is) and doing it.

  • #2
    Originally posted by DomeIsHome View Post
    As I was typing out the topic I realized I don't really know if it's the 23 or 24 national championship.

    Anyway, I came here to say that I think FCS should mandate nameplates on the backs of jerseys. Good for Montana for spending the extra $2000 (or however much it is) and doing it.
    Agreed. Just flat looks better.


    • #3
      Weren't we doing that until a few years ago?


      • #4
        Originally posted by in_the_stands View Post
        Weren't we doing that until a few years ago?
        I can only recall UNI doing it one year, with Dannen as AD, I want to say 2012 or 13? I'm not sure


        • #5
          It was 2013, 2014, and 2015

          Got a new uniform set in 2013 and the names were on it. The set was updated in 2016 with the same template but the side panel lost the black (purple on the road) and the names went away and...well...think about who was put in charge in 2016 and why going the cheapest of cheap routes was put in place and why that same uniform set was worn from 2016 until this past season with one update to the pant a couple years ago but not updating the top to go with it because "it would cost money to do so". I was told that directly from an AD employee at the time.


          • #6
            does the FBS (whose programs tend to have much bigger budgets) mandate nameplates?


            • #7
              Originally posted by vbfan19 View Post
              does the FBS (whose programs tend to have much bigger budgets) mandate nameplates?
              I don't think so. Penn State comes to mind.
              "They keep saying that what really matters is not whether you win or lose, but how you played the game. The trouble is that the best way to determine how you played the game is by whether you won or lost." - Anonymous


              • #8
                Originally posted by Big Cats View Post

                I don't think so. Penn State comes to mind.
                And USC.

                It's not a mandate but it sure as heck looks better unless you're a traditional power where that's the tradition,


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BCPanther View Post

                  And USC.

                  It's not a mandate but it sure as heck looks better unless you're a traditional power where that's the tradition,
                  why can't it be a tradition for UNI?


                  • #10
                    great thread no one cares who won lol
                    UNI has #2 Dome in MVFC, but Ice Lounge rocks! BisoNation.com


                    • #11
                      SDSU's just way better than everyone right now. What's left to talk about?
                      Give us a yell, HO! The purple and the gold
                      Victory for U-N-I!

                      Find out what the other team wants to do, then take it away from them.
                      - George Halas

